Housing Consultations for Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)
A Housing Consultation helps a person who doesn't have Medical Assistance case management develop a person-centered plan to address the needs, wants, and goals for living in the community.
61 Experience has created a place for you to get everything you need for your Housing Consultation in order for you to receive the Housing Stabilization Services from a provider of your choice.
If you qualify, 61 Experience can assist you in obtaining a Professional Statement of Need (PSN), and complete the Housing Consultation by submitting the person-centered plan. This can be done all in one visit!
Call or Text 651-404-3337 today or Schedule Now.

What is Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)?
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Support an individual's transition into housing
Increase long-term stability in housing in the community
Avoid future periods of homelessness or institutionalization
A housing transition services provider (a person or agency) helps a person plan for, find, and move into housing.
o Examples: Helping the person think about preferred housing; with the housing search and application processes; developing a budget; and understanding a lease.

A housing sustaining services provider (a person or agency) helps a person keep their housing after they have moved in.
o Examples: Education on tenant-landlord rights and responsibilities; coaching to develop relationships with property managers and neighbors; training on how to be a good tenant; lease compliance; and problem-solving to maintain housing stability
A housing consultant helps a person who doesn’t have MA case management develop a person-centered plan that addresses their needs, wants, and goals for living in the community.
o Examples: Developing a housing focused person-centered plan based on the person’s needs, wants, and goals for housing; helping a person make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining services provider; offering resources related to non-housing goals; and coordinating with other service providers already working with the person.

Who Does it Help?
To get Housing Stabilization Services, you must:
Have Medical Assistance (MA) coverage
Be 18 years or older
Have a disability
Your disability does not have to meet Social Security adult standards for disability. Disabilities can include physical disabilities, mental illness, substance use disorder, and other conditions.
The program manual has details about which types of disability may qualify.
Be in one of the following situations:
At the risk of homelessness (including being doubled up, needing services to keep your housing, or if you were previously homeless and discharging from a correctional, medical, mental health or substance use disorder treatment center without a permanent place to live)
Moving our of (or moved out of in the last six months) an institution, nursing faculty, or certain other group settings like Board and Lodge or Adult Foster Care.
At the risk of being institutionalization
Be assessed to need help with at least one of these disability-related areas:
Decision-making, or
Managing moods or behaviors
Not be getting similar services from other programs, like Moving Home MN, Assertive Community Treatment, Housing Access Coordination, or Relocation Service Coordination.